Welcome to a conversational journey that begins and ends with a surprising love.


The heart of the Good Friday Conversation is an honest connection between friends.

  1. We start with an original short film

  2. thought-provoking questions between you and your friends move the conversation forward

  3. additional filmed, student voices pick up on key themes


  • It doesn’t need to be awkward, but it should be authentic. This is probably as good a time as ever to talk about Jesus. Easter is coming. Even “non-churchy” people often find themselves attending a church service during this season. Why is that? Why is this moment in history so important to understanding Jesus and his mission?

  • Before Easter— the day that Christians around the world celebrate a resurrection, there is a death. That’s Good Friday— the day that Jesus was hung on a cross to die. Since when was dying good? We should talk about that.

  • This is a current conversation for friends, not a history lesson. But consider how the historical writers described the Jesus of Good Friday:

    • Despised and rejected

    • A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief

    • Wounded, oppressed, crushed

    • Cut off from the land of the living

    • The one who takes upon his shoulders the sins of many

    This is a Jesus who brings meaning to anyone walking through pain, loss, rejection, fear, and any other darkness that is stealing life from you. In a day when the troubles of this world are always just a swipe away, let’s have a conversation about life, loss, and love.


We all have a story to tell. We combed the country for some honest voices to kick off the conversation. You’ll meet them in just a moment.

Let’s begin.

We’ll get you everything you need to lead a conversation with friends. Just curious about The Good Friday Conversation? Cool. You aren’t making any formal commitment here.