Welcome to a good conversation.

Our goal is to help you share GOOD NEWS with your friends, starting this Easter season.


We give you everything you need to have an honest conversation with your friends.

  • The Good Friday Conversation helps friends initiate a conversation about the surprising love of Jesus Christ.

    • Short videos featuring student voices kick-start the conversation. Thought-provoking questions allow you and your friends to share your own perspectives along the way.

    • It takes about an hour.

    • Consider doing it around a meal

  • We’re going to help you build some confidence. We’re also going to make it easy— even fun for you to have an honest, relevant conversation about the good news of Jesus with your friends.

  • The Good Friday Experience is all about setting the table for a great conversation about Jesus with friends. We’ll help you think about ways to keep the conversation going after this experience.

    Login below and let’s get started!

We’re in.

Find out why Carlos and his Cru team are hosting Good Friday Conversations, again!