Welcome to a conversational journey that begins and ends with a surprising love.


The heart of the Good Friday Conversation is an honest connection between friends.

  1. We start with an original short film.

  2. Thought-provoking questions between you and your friends move the conversation forward.

  3. Additional filmed, student voices pick up on key themes.


  • It doesn’t need to be awkward, but it should be authentic. This is probably as good a time as ever to talk about Jesus. Easter is coming. Even “non-churchy” people often find themselves attending a church service during this season. Why is that? Why is this moment in history so important to understanding Jesus and his mission?

  • Before Easter— the day that Christians around the world celebrate a resurrection— there is a death. That’s Good Friday— the day that Jesus was hung on a cross to die. Since when was dying good? We should talk about that.

  • This is a 2023 conversation for friends, not a history lesson. But consider how the historical writers described the Jesus of Good Friday:

    • Despised and rejected

    • A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief

    • Wounded, oppressed, crushed

    • Cut off from the land of the living

    • The one who takes upon his shoulders the sins of many

    This is a Jesus who brings meaning to anyone walking through pain, loss, rejection, fear, and any other darkness that is stealing life from you. In a day when the troubles of this world are always just a swipe away, let’s have a conversation about life, loss, and love.


We all have a story to tell. We combed the country for some honest voices to kick off the conversation. You’ll meet them in just a moment.

Let’s begin.



Watch this short film (3 min) and discuss with questions below.

    • What does the film leave you wondering?

    • Have you ever been in a bad spot and someone bailed you out just in time? Consider sharing.

    • Which character in this short film do you most identify with right now?


In this world we are going to have trouble. It’s tempting to let pain and loss define us. Meet some Gen Z voices who have something to say about that.

We’ll also talk about God’s surprising love— it’s a love that loses. But just when it seems evil has won, a door of hope opens.

Watch this short film (4min) and discuss with questions below.

    • What statement connected with you the most?

    • Have you ever felt like you’ve lost part of your identity in the midst of pain or crisis? Consider sharing.


Have you ever experienced a love that would sacrifice everything in order for you to gain everything?

Watch this short film (5min) and discuss with questions below.

    • Share a time when you experienced a love that made you feel like you belonged? What was that like?

    • What kinds of things do you think people are looking to have restored?

    • What’s the most significant thing you have sacrificed because of love? What is something great that someone sacrificed for you?

    • What things in life are valuable enough that you would sacrifice greatly in order to get them?

    • What meaning, if any, does the Good Friday story have to you?


We are invited to a family table of feasting. It’s an invitation for those who don’t deserve it. And that’s the point: We can’t earn this dinner invitation on our own.

Watch this short film (3min) and discuss with questions below.

    • In your life, do you feel like you have been invited to be close to God?

    • What idea about Jesus do you want to hold onto and think more about?

    • What meaning, if any, does the Good Friday story have to you?

    • How close do you feel to God right now? What would it look like to take a step closer?

Take the next step.